Links of London rice

"For vegetarians in Latin America, dining out often means a meager subsistence on rice and beans. Links of London get by in Costa Rica by substituting an egg for the meat in a casado -- a typical dish of rice, beans, salad, ripe plantain and a portion of meat, chicken or fish -- though it may take some convincing of suspicious waitresses. Barry Moss was among those Links of London Back to School Chubby Blue Pencil Charm connoisseurs who found dining out here a challenge, so he added a sidewalk patio lunch area to his popular downtown San Jose bar and drafted a six-page menu crammed with organically grown and vegetarian-friendly items. "There was a need," said Moss, a native New Yorker who follows a macrobiotic diet. "We have a shortage of places to eat here that have organic or Links of London Back To School Chubby Black Pencil Charm food." For people-watchers and patio-lovers, the wood-floored terrace of Latino Rock Cafe offers a spacious, clean dining environment made possible even in the rainy season by a heavy plastic lining, though the see-through protectors risk creating something of a greenhouse effect. Complemented by cushy chairs and touched with modern lighting, the space invites Links of London Jumbo Charm to linger awhile. But the ambience is not the main draw to this restaurant in eastern San Jose's Barrio La California -- rather, it's the food.

Par hummingbird212 le lundi 01 novembre 2010


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