The compound, a polybrominated diphenyl ether (Links of London Charms), is widely used in electronics and furniture, and is associated with developmental and reproductive issues, cancer, and other health problems. It appears that the butter was contaminated by the PBDE from its paper wrapping, but how the chemical got into the packaging is a mystery--and of great concern. "Flame retardants should clearly not be in food at all," says lead researcher Arnold Schecter, a public-health physician at the University of Texas. Butter is not the only food known to be contaminated with PBDEsLinks of London Four Leaf Clover Charmthey're ubiquitous in fish, meat, poultry, eggs, and dairy--but it is the first found to contain them at such a high concentration, Schecter says. Because there is no regulatory testing for these chemicals, it's difficult to know how much of the nation's food supply might be contaminated at high levels. PBDEs are also not the only problematic chemicals that can show up on the dinner table. The industrial byproduct dioxin and the hormone-disrupting chemical bisphenol A (BPA), which seems to leach into food from polycarbonate Links of London Flip Flop 3 Flowers Charm and can linings, are among other common ones. Scientists know that these kinds of compounds get into our blood, from food and other sources, and sometimes accumulate in our bodies. What's less clear is the threshold concentration at which these chemicals become harmful. Further research may clarify that, but in the meantime experts say it's worth trying to get these chemicals out of food whenever possible. "Getting rid of PBDE would probably be relatively simple if we could track down how it's entering the food supply--but that's the hard part," says Janice Huwe, a toxicologist at the USDA. Until we unravel the mystery, it's one more reason to go easy on the butter. May not be sold, Links of London Fairy Godmother Charm stored, or reproduced in any form without prior written permission of Newsweek Inc.
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