Links of London Charms Erdo

The party's top officials have been Links of London Charms calculations that even if the package is taken to a popular vote, the AKP would still win the overwhelming support of people. And that is something to which the opposition cannot directly raise any objection. The Republican People's Party, or CHP, and the Nationalist Movement Party, or MHP, couldn't conduct a ,,close down political parties" campaign. They couldn't afford to give off such an anti-democratic and repressive image. And the pro-Kurdish Peace and Links of London Y Charm Party, or BDP, is already aggrieved. Therefore, the AKP was considering a simple, yet impressive package. But things changed in the last week. The package has been suddenly enlarged to include amendments about the structures of the Constitutional Court and the HSYK. The opposition was quick to shout: ,,We are losing the regime. This package violates Article 2 of the Constitution." The Erdo?an who won the 2002 general elections was the ,,victim of the Feb. 28 process" who was newly released from prison. He Links of London Z Charm to the July 22, 2007, general elections under the shadow of a military e-memorandum issued by then-Chief of General Staff Gen. Ya?ar Büyükan?t and won a landslide victory, gaining 47 percent of the votes. From this point on, various rumors continue behind the scenes. Endless scenarios and tactics have been - and are being - talked about. It is being said that the AKP's real plan is a ,,rush election" strategy, an idea the following details are spreading around: ,,The AKP has expanded the Constitution package. If it had come forward with making party closures more Links of London A Charm and a few amendments for democratization, perhaps without needing a referendum, the MHP could have supported it to pass the package. But the AKP has preferred the most difficult way, rather than conciliation, and set out on the road with a huge package that would see serious judicial changes. The AKP's goal is to play the victim again by forcing an early election through the judiciary and not to seek a popular vote..." How could this be?

Par hummingbird212 le lundi 13 décembre 2010


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