If the Kurdish problem as well as Turkey's Links of London Charms social problems ,,cannot be resolved though use of force alone" and if the PKK terrorist campaign this country has been trying to deal with since the Eruh, ?emdinli attack of August 1984 is the third of such major problems that this nation has faced in the republican period and as this writer put it only yesterday ,,if not resolved on the basis of reconciliation and democratic openings and instead only use of brute force is preferred, the problem could be shelved once again … until it flares up Links of London W Charm a later date," why so many people are so much critical of the Kurdish opening the government has been trying to undertake for the past two years? If broader democracy and more rights and liberties and above all a change in mentality that would allow all segments of the state establishment to consider each and every citizen of this country to be equal, first-class citizens irrespective of whatever differences they might have, respect and recognition of the differences and to develop an ability to amalgamate a nation and democratic society understanding without losing the many colors of the people of this land are the only Links of London Wide Purple And Pink Friendship Bracelet to overcome our problems, and if the government is saying that it has been trying to achieve just that, why many people, including this writer, are so much critical of the efforts of the government?To start with, as almost the entire slogans used by the government as part and parcel of the opening, I am not sure whether the PKK is really against the initiative, is it finding it deficient than what it expected it to be or is it encouraged by the signs of ,,defeatist" wobbling of the government and decided to step up its violence and bargain with the government for some additional moves that the government might undertake within the initiative or, were the PKK and its chieftain serving an enforced life term at the ?mrali island prison received some pledges before this Links of London X Charm was launched, was expecting that the terrorist chieftain would be at the steering drive of the opening or at least would guide the government and when this did not happen stepped up the violence to demonstrate its frustration and force the government to make a recourse to a pre-arranged line?
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