Links of London Charms complex

He argued that these particular policemen, who Links of London Charms came to key positions, initiated a witch-hunt against those whom they suspected to be Ergenekon supporters, including some of Avc?'s best friends. He also argued that the same policemen tailored some of the evidence in the Ergenekon case, simply to set them up. I don't know whether Avc? is right or wrong in these accusations. Yet, although I feel that his personal grievance with the ,,pro-Gülen cadre" might have comprised his own objectivity, I can't dismiss his claims right away. What alarmed me more was his unexpected arrest. The alleged reason is that he is connected with a marginal Marxist-Leninist terror group, supposedly through a girlfriend, a bizarre story Links of London Y Charm convinced neither me, nor most of the people I know. Many rather now believe that Avc?'s arrest only makes his claims stronger. I will keep an eye on this story and try to understand it better. Meanwhile, it is clear that Avc? should be released, as should some other people in the Ergenekon case who have been in custody for almost two years now. Let them be tried, but not punished before being sentenced. Alas, we have had enough McCarthyism in this country against religious people. Now we should not let things turn the other way around. I, for my part, will not.As Turkey heads from one political crisis to another, foreign diplomats in Ankara are feeling dizzy at the number of events thrown at them daily. They have to make some sense of these events in order to Links of London Z Charm back home what it going on in this confusing country. Civilian-military relations are yet again the topic of the day, except that the whole issue has taken on an even more complex turn now, after the Constitutional Court annulled a government-introduced legal amendment that allowed military personnel to be tried in civilian courts. What all this means in terms of the Ergenekon case - which continues to be an amorphous, quasi-political legal monster of sorts that no one can tie down nor fully understand - remains an open question. Jurists argue that elements of this case will now have to be turned over to military courts. The military has signaled that it expects this to happen. This is a serious setback, even a defeat, for the Erdo?an government, which has pinned so much hope on this case. Sources close to the government feel that the military court can not be impartial under these circumstances. Critics of the government counter that politicized Links of London A Charm-Justice and Development Party, or AKP, prosecutors have ensured from the start that this case can not be an impartial one.

Par hummingbird212 le mardi 07 décembre 2010


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Doing a research is a mind-numbing work & I feel it strongly that my research is complete with this place.

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