Links of London Charms continue

The evidence points to a "short list" of 20-30 females who have been reported missing in Links of London. But Det Supt Cotter said the list would increase if detectives included similar missing cases from around Australia and overseas. Police hope people will come forward with information rather than approaching families of missing girls and woman. Det Supt Cotter said many families of missing people had contacted police since the discovery but "we're not about giving people false hope." "We would rather put this out into the media and into the public Links of London Small Sweetie Bracelet With Freshwater Pearl and get a response." Wednesday's press conference was also designed to help families rule out their missing loved ones based on the evidence. The remains included most of the teeth and investigators have extracted DNA from the bones, but not all of the missing persons' case files have DNA samples. "In some cases DNA was not possible to obtain from a missing person," Det Supt Cotter said. Police continue to treat the death as a murder. Convicted serial killer Ivan Milat used the NSW forest, south of Sydney, to kill seven overseas and Australian backpackers, and dump their bodies in the early 1990s. Human bones discovered in the notorious NSW Belanglo forest last month belong to a young woman aged between 15 and 25, police say. Links of London Star of David Charm testing also indicates the remains have been there for less than 12 years, ruling out the possibility that her killer was Ivan Milat. The bones, including a skull, were found by motorbike trail riders on August 29 in bushland south of Sydney. Police released their initial findings on Wednesday in the hope that the family of the victim may come forward. Homicide Squad commander Peter Cotter told journalists the remains belonged to a woman on the younger end of an age range between 15 and 25 years. He said the strongest piece of evidence was a woman's T-shirt, which police hope will narrow the search for the Links of London Sweetie Bracelet big family. The size 10 short-sleeved shirt was found within two metres of the remains. It has a distinctive motif on the front, with the word "angelic" in hot pink, and was sold across Australia in the early to mid 2000s.

Par hummingbird212 le lundi 06 décembre 2010


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