At the bottom of the list, with a 25% grade, was Canadian Natural Resources' Links of London Charms/Wolf Lake. "I can understand the frustration of some of the people in the industry," Dyer says. But he insists that for all the new technology, "it's not getting better environmentally. It's getting worse." Dyer adds that readier solutions will come from policies such as hard limits to emissions or land use rather than "getting industry to squeeze down its footprint." In the court of public opinion, though, producing oil that is no dirtier than conventional crude would be a key benchmark that the industry could be proud of and would more effectively counter ad campaigns like "Rethink Alberta," popular polemics such as the Neve Links of London Disc charm-narrated documentary Dirty Oil and U.S. politicians who would block oilsandsbearing pipelines. When will that day come? "It could be relatively quickly," says Michael Burt, vice-president and managing director of the In Situ Oil Sands Alliance (IOSA), a group set up last year to distinguish the in situ sector from the higher-impact mining side of the oilsands industry. He suggests that certain projects, such as the pilots of IOSA members Petrobank and Laricina, may already be there. It's harder to say how long it might take to get the broader industry to the same level of environmental performance, especially while the regulatory carrots and sticks for doing so remain weak. If hoary giant Suncor can green yesteryear's tailings ponds, though, change on a grand scale is possible-perhaps sooner than Links of London Dome Jade Charm think.Cambridge comic Lenny Clarke wants everyone to know he's sorry. So very, very sorry . . . The "Rescue Me" star caused an uproar in Malden last week when he called Democratic state Senate candidate Katherine Clark "a whore" in a joke he told at a fund-raiser for her opponent Craig Spadafora . The two are vying to succeed lieutenant governor wannabe Richard Tisei . "I'm sorry. I apologize. It was a bad joke, but it was a joke," Clarke told the Track. "I don't know her. I had no malicious intent. But my mother would be ashamed of me. My poor dead mother." Clarke, who is known for his off-Links of London Dress Charm stand-up routine, opened his set with the crack, "I don't support Katherine Clark because she's my aunt and she's a whore." He then added: "I'm just kidding.
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