Links of London Department

Police said it took 50 officers, including several from the tactical unit and assistance Links of London a helicopter, to control the unruly crowd that showed up to hear rapper Yo Gotti. Department spokesman Anthony Guglielmi said angry concert-goers stormed the doors of the Redwood Street club and were forced back by security guards who indiscriminately sprayed Mace from a fogger into the crowd. Guglielmi described the incident as a "public disturbance" and said that "without police intervention, it posed a public safety risk to hundreds of Links of London R Charm visiting Baltimore." Police said angry patrons were throwing cones and street signs, but officers made no arrests. Liquor board Chairman Stephan Fogleman, who received the police letter from a top commander in the midst of another hearing on a Fells Point nightclub, said the best his panel can do is order a hearing in 10 days. He said he cannot suspend the license and that the club will be allowed until a hearing is scheduled. The club's managing partner, Tracye Stafford, called the show a "promoter's Links of London Q Charm" and said "it came down to the promoter selling too many tickets and not being honest." But she said there were 600 patrons who each paid $25 or $40 for tickets, and that the club has a capacity of 949. She said the promoter had capped the audience size to 600 but sold more tickets. Stafford apologized to people who could not get in and said refunds would be issued. She said there are no large shows scheduled in the near future. Links of London P Charm said the concert went on inside without incident, and she would only say that what happened outside "was not a riot." She said a call from a reporter was the first she had heard about a disturbance and she said a city police major told her the show could continue. "Why would he allow us to keep the event going if there were problems?" Stafford said. Police have targeted troubled nightclubs, bars and liquor stores by padlocking them for up to a year, but asking for an emergency order to effectively shut down a large nightclub is unusual. Guglielmi said Police Commissioner Frederick H. Bealefeld consulted with Mayor Stephanie C. Rawlings-Blake before seeking the order.

Par hummingbird212 le vendredi 05 novembre 2010


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