" According to dozens of witnesses interviewed by the Trib, Links of London pub crawl began about 10 p.m. Thursday at The Velvet Elvis and migrated with his entourage and follow-on fans to at least three other bars before alighting at Capital City about midnight. When he wasn't in the tavern's VIP room, he signed autographs, mugged for photos and affably talked with the crowds, Links of London Big Rock 'Diamond' Ring Charm said. "We thought the guys with him were offensive tackles or guards in the NFL," said Joseph Gaglia, 18, a student at Georgia Military College. "They weren't causing any trouble that I saw." A police news conference is slated for today in Milledgeville, about 80 miles southeast of Atlanta. With five police forces -- Georgia College & State has one, along with Georgia Military College and Baldwin County -- Milledgeville boasts a constant law enforcement presence and a minuscule crime rate. The accuser attends Georgia College & State University, known as GSCU, which reported two rape investigations in 2006 and two more in Links of London Dome Jade Charm, according to public filings detailing campus crimes. The mandatory 2009 report to the U.S. Department of Education hasn't been posted yet. A five-minute walk across campus would take a female student past four emergency stations Links of London Gingerbread Man with sirens, blue flashing lights and a red panic button.